
The 1620俱乐部 is an honorary organization of individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Portland State University and retain a strong desire to remain connected. Members include former student leaders, active alumni/advocates, professors and administrators, Foundation board members and community leaders. All are supportive of our major urban university and take pride in their contributions and their members in the longest-serving volunteer group at 事业单位. 

The 1620俱乐部 meets four to five times a year to network, socialize and engage with each other and key university representatives. 1620俱乐部 members enjoy an insider’s view of the University and its challenges, 机会, 和成功. The club also supports 事业单位 programs together, like the 事业单位食品储藏室

Membership in the 1620俱乐部 is by invitation only and is based on meritorious service to and support of Portland State University and its advancement. All events are open to members and their guests. In 2023 the 1620俱乐部 moved to an advisory council model, working closely with the 事业单位 Foundation. If you'd like to learn more about being an advisory council member and helping shape the programming for the 1620俱乐部, please email Claire Michie at michiec@psuf.org.

Did you participate in student government, board work, or volunteerism for 事业单位? If you're curious about joining the 1620俱乐部, please email us! 

You can contact the club at psu1620club@gmail.com or send mail to:  1620俱乐部, PO Box 1394, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 

1620俱乐部 logo next to a photo of the exterior of Lincoln Hall, 1620 SW Park Ave
The 1620俱乐部 name is inspired by the address still posted above the SW Park entrance to Lincoln Hall. 1620 SW Park Avenue was the original address of Portland State College after its move downtown following the devastating Vanport Flood of 1948.


1620俱乐部 History

The 1620俱乐部 has existed since 1962. 那一年, co-founders Pete Grundfossen '58, MS '66 and Edward Westerdahl II '62 gathered a group of former student leaders and created a booster organization called the 1620俱乐部. For many years it served as an independent alumni-based social organization whose members stayed connected with the university. 多年来, 1620俱乐部 members have helped advance the interests of Portland State as they assumed more significant leadership roles in the community. 

Embedded in tradition and celebrating more than half a century, the 1620俱乐部 has broadened its membership base beyond alumni to include men and women who have demonstrated their commitment to the success and well-being of Portland State University. Currently, it maintains close ties to the 事业单位 校友 Association and the 事业单位 Foundation. 

The University 连接ion

Perks and Good Works.

  • Membership in the longest-serving volunteer group at 事业单位 (Founded in 1962).
  • 以事业单位为荣. Stay connected, and take part in its exciting, dynamic growth. 
  • Gather and socialize with peers who share your passion and interest in Portland State University. Spouses and guests are always welcome.
  • Take part in open dialogue with university leaders.
  • Receive invitations to four or five annual social events centered on the university.
  • Get to know the campus as it is today and visit 事业单位’s newest buildings. 
  • Lend your support to programs benefitting 事业单位 and its students. Current beneficiary program:  AS事业单位食品储藏室, providing staples for students and their families.
  • Last but not least, enjoy the company of friends who share a common bond to 事业单位.