

欧洲杯滚球平台已经向学生分发了信息, 教师, 和工作人员就周五通过的新枪支政策的实施进行了讨论, 3月2日, 2012, 俄勒冈州高等教育委员会.

财务副总裁 & 政府 and 校园公共安全 Director/ Chief of Police sent an email to the campus community outlining the new policy and how it will be enforced at Portland State University, 请参阅下面阅读这封信.



在周五, 3月3日, 2012, the Oregon Board of Higher Education approved a new policy on firearms for the Oregon University System, 包括欧洲杯滚球平台.  新政策立即生效. 它禁止学生, 员工, individuals with a business interest with the campus (such as 供应商 and contractors), 活动的参加者, 租用或出租大学财物者, and campus 游客 from carrying a firearm on University-owned or controlled property. Such property includes all 事业单位 campus buildings, sports or performance venues, and 工作places. The prohibition is effective whether or not an individual holds a 隐藏 handgun license. 该政策规定了几项枪支禁令的例外情况, 包括执勤的执法人员和公共安全人员, 军事项目的参与者.

Individuals found in violation of the policy may face disciplinary action through means specific to their relationship with the University. 学生将根据学生行为准则承担责任, and 员工 under 事业单位's employment policies and collective bargaining agreements.  承包商, 供应商, 活动的参加者, 租用或出租大学财物者, 和其他访客将被排除在校园之外.

事业单位 supports this important advance in policy as well as the Board's "recognition of its obligation to provide a safe environment to its students, 员工, 游客, 供应商, 和顾客,,正如董事会关于新政策的备忘录所述. 如果您对该政策或其在事业单位的执行有疑问, 请致电(503)725-4407与校园公共安全办公室联系. As always, in the event of an emergency, call 911 or the dispatch emergency line at (503)725-5911.

财务副总裁 & 政府



In 2007 the 事业单位 Tobacco Policy Committee conducted an extensive evaluation of the 事业单位 smoking/tobacco policy. 评估包括文献回顾,州法(ORS 433).835-433.990), 基于网络的校园社区调查回应, 伴随着政策, 程序, 以及其他俄勒冈州立学院和大学的趋势, 包括其他州五个城市机构的样本. 委员会的结论是需要一项更全面的政策.

Portland State University is committed to maintaining a greener and healthier campus environment for all 事业单位 community members. 有了这个政策, 欧洲杯滚球的希望是保护所有活着的人, 工作, 研究或参观校园从一个主要的健康问题:二手烟. 在 2006年的一份报告显示.S. 卫生局局长 concluded that secondhand smoke causes premature death and disease in both children and adults who do not smoke. 进一步, secondhand smoke exposure in adults has immediate adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and causes coronary heart disease and lung cancer. While the scientific evidence indicates that there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke, our intention is to substantially reduce the risk to nonsmokers across the 事业单位 campus. 请的 人力资源网站 有关此政策的更多信息


如果住在事业单位校内学生宿舍的学生被确定失踪, 大学将启动通知程序. 没有任何时间期限会延迟此通知程序. Below is the University Housing policy on missing residents and the 校园公共安全 Office’s missing resident policy and procedure.

If a member of the university community has reason to believe that a student who resides in on-campus housing is missing, he or she should immediately notify Portland State University 校园公共安全 Office (CPSO) at 503-725-5911. CPSO将生成失踪人口报告并展开调查.

〇失踪人口 报告方不知道其下落的任何人, 包括, 但不限于, 一个孩子被带走了, 拘留, 隐藏, 被父母引诱带走或保留,违反了ORS 163.245和ORS 163.257.

失踪人口也包括自愿失踪的儿童, involuntarily or under circumstances not conforming to his or her ordinary 习惯 or behavior and who may be in need of assistance.

有风险, Includes, but is not limited to, evidence or indications of any of the following:

  1. The person is missing under suspicious circumstances and may be victim of a crime or foul play.
  2. The person missing is in need of medical attention or medication without which he/she may experience serious medical problems.
  3. 失踪的人没有逃跑或消失的模式
  4. The person missing may be the victim of a parental abduction or is otherwise believed to be in the company of a person considered to be dangerous to the missing person.
  5. The person missing is mentally impaired or considered to be a danger to self or others.
  6. 这个人很可能是划船的受害者, 游泳或其他类似事故, 或者可能是自然灾害的受害者.

孩子, 而俄勒冈州认为儿童是18岁以下的人, for purposes of this section federal law considers any person under the age of twenty-one years to be a child.


The employee accepting the missing person report should request initial information from the reporting party information or material likely to be useful in identifying the missing person 包括 但不限于:

  1. The relationship to the reporting party and why the reporting party believes the person is missing.
  2. 失踪者的信息,包括失踪者的化名, 该人的出生日期, 外表, 服装, 识别标志, 身体异常, 手术植入物和失踪者用过的假肢.
  3. 失踪者的血型.
  4. 失踪者的驾照号码和社会保险号码.
  5. A description of items believed to be in the possession of the missing person and the description of any vehicle the missing person may have been driving or riding in at the time of disappearance.
  6. Time and place of last known location and the identity of anyone believed to be in the company of the missing person.
  7. History of prior missing incidents and the extent to which this incident is a departure from established behavior patterns, 习惯, 或计划.
  8. The physical and mental condition of the missing person and whether they are taking, 现在和他们在一起, 任何药物.
  9. 失踪者的医生和牙医的姓名和地址.
  10. 任何个人, family history or relationship issues that may be a factor in the person's absence, 包括失踪者可能拜访的人的名字和地址.
  11. Any circumstances that indicate that the missing person may be at risk of injury or death.
  12. 任何可能表明失踪不是自愿的情况.
  13. Obtain recent photographs, fingerprints and/or DNA samples (such as hair) that might be available.
  14. Attempt to identify the types and account numbers of any credit cards the missing person might have access to, 以及任何银行账户或其他财务资源的位置.
  15. 工作地点的名称和地址, 学校和其他失踪者常去的地方.
  16. Whether information regarding the missing person has been entered into the Law Enforcement Data System (LEDS) Medical Database (ORS 181.735).

The employee gathering this information will ensure that the Portland Police Bureau is immediately notified to conduct and coordinate the investigation. 工作人员将在波特兰警察局的指导下提供协助.