

本科 & Postbaccalaureate

学院学术标准委员会(SSC)有权给予学术警告, 缓刑, or dismissal any student according to the following standards:

  • 成绩改变或取消不完整的成绩不会改变学术地位.
  • 本学期的学术地位可以通过参与留级政策而改变, 然而,重修课程不会追溯改变过去学期的状态.
  • 被开除学籍的学生不允许注册全日制或非全日制课程(含1-8学分)。.
  • 在评估本科学业成绩时,只考虑事业单位的本科学分.
  • 学生 who receive only grades of I, X, 和/或NP将失去学术地位,如果他们的累积事业单位 GPA低于2.00.


当GPA等于2时.25 or higher and the cumulative Portland State GPA is 2.00或更高, students are in good academic standing. 好站 is not recorded on the academic transcript.


已修满12个或以上学分(包括事业单位学分和转学学分)且事业单位学分累计绩点低于2分的学生.00 will be placed on academic warning. 注册暂停也将适用于学生记录,直到完成一个 mandatory workshop facilitated by Advising and Career Services.




  1. Raise the cumulative 事业单位 GPA to 2.00, thereby returning to good standing
  2. Earn a GPA for the given term of 2.25岁或以上, 因此,在下学期仍然受到学术警告和同样的要求.

从2023年秋季开始计算学术成绩(秋季成绩后), 注册暂停将适用于学生记录,直到完成一个 academic coaching appointment facilitated by the Learning Center.




  1. Raise the cumulative 事业单位 GPA to 2.00, thereby returning to good standing
  2. Earn a 事业单位 GPA for the given term of 2.25岁或以上, 因此,我将继续留校察看,并在下学期遵守同样的要求.


学生 who are dismissed may be reinstated in one of two ways. 一种是向学术标准委员会请愿,并获得批准恢复 请求页面). 要求恢复现任任期的请愿书必须在任期开始前提交书记官长办公室,以便及时作出决定. 交替, conferral of an accredited Bachelor's degree, 或者是经过认证的, 可转换副学士学位将构成自动复学的基础. (应用科学副学士学位不会自动复职, but can be considered as part of the petition process.)必须向注册主任办公室提交附有学位的正式成绩单.

If reinstatement is approved, students will be reinstated to 缓刑 status.


学生 whose current academic standing is warning, 缓刑 or reinstatement must earn at least a 2.25 GPA each term to maintain their current academic standing. 挣2分.25或更高的学期GPA不会将当前的学术地位恢复到以前的学术地位.  为了恢复良好的成绩,学生必须将事业单位的累积GPA提高到2分.00或更高.



所有被事业单位录取的研究生证书和学位学生必须在研究生课程期间保持良好的学术地位. Good academic standing is defined as maintaining a cumulative graduate GPA of 3.00或更高 in all graduate credits earned at 事业单位. 所有研究生, especially those in a conditional admission status, 与所属部门保持密切沟通,并听取部门的意见.


如果被录取的研究生在事业单位的累积研究生GPA达到,则被留校察看, 在进入事业单位研究生阶段后,必须完成9个或更多的字母分级研究生学分, 低于3.00.

While on academic 缓刑 a student will not be permitted to graduate, to be admitted to a new or different graduate certificate or degree program, to be advanced to doctoral candidacy, to have a thesis or dissertation committee appointed, to receive or continue to hold a graduate assistantship, or to register for more than a total of 9 credit hours in any term. 如果学生的累积毕业GPA达到3分,学生将被取消留校察看.在开始试用状态后,在接下来的9个字母等级的研究生学分中达到或更高



  1. A student on academic 缓刑 fails to achieve a cumulative graduate GPA of 3.在开始试用状态后的下一个9个字母等级的研究生学分内达到或超过00;
  2. or A student becomes subject to academic 缓刑 for a second time.

A student who is disqualified may not register for any graduate courses at 事业单位.

Readmission After Disqualification

Readmission after disqualification is not automatic. 被取消资格的学生可以在一个日历年后申请作为研究生证书或学位课程的学生重新入学. 在强制性的一年之后,重新入学是由学生通过研究生学习办公室向研究生委员会提交重新入学申请开始的. 这样的请愿书需要解决导致取消资格的情况,并提供准备恢复研究生学习的证据.

If a student's graduate program recommends readmission, the 研究生 Council may grant readmission, with or without additional academic requirements, or may recommend continued disqualification. A readmitted student must raise the cumulative graduate GPA to 3.在复学后的前12个学分内,成绩不超过00分或以上,否则取消录取资格.
